
How To Fix A Freezer Drawer

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Repairing freezer drawer

(15 Posts)

donewithitalltodayandxmas Wed 06-Jan-21 20:00:41

My bottom freezer draw the front has broken at the top so it sticks out , have looked at replacement and nearly £70 I wonder of any tape around that might hold it in place has anybody used some
Doesn't seem to affect the door closing as when you push it shut it knocks it back into place but when you open it falls again and worry might affect door long term

AngusThermopyle Wed 06-Jan-21 20:12:00

Last sumner I repaired a broken greenhouse glass panel with some Ultimate Duck tape, and my god it is superb. After all the bad wet weather and the lovely summer we had it it still stuck fast! It might be worth a try.

Duck Tape 222150 Ultimate Cloth Tape Clear 50mm x 20m. The ultimate high strength waterproof gaffer and duct adhesive cloth repair tape

A friend fixed his ripped soft top rear clear car window with the Gorilla type clear tape which did amazingly well too.

Thatsanotherfinemess Wed 06-Jan-21 21:00:47

I found that the plastic woven style baskets from tesco, will etc fit fairly well if you can't repair?

donewithitalltodayandxmas Wed 06-Jan-21 22:00:54

Thanks will try tape as just took vienetta out which has clearly melted and refroze that i got on tesco shop a week ago although have never noticed door open or seen a puddle and my ice cubes are still seperate apart from ones that were a in a bit of a block to start with as they had been taken ik ans out , all peas and loose items were all still loose and not clumped together which i thought may happen
We ate butgers and chips out freezer before noticing ice cream so hopefully ok but now can't decide if I should bin the meat

donewithitalltodayandxmas Wed 06-Jan-21 22:03:32

Vienetta was in broken bottom shelf but so were the burgers
Apparently i have a fridge alarm but freezer only blinks led if door open
Well the led can only be seen of you open the fridge so thats a bt pointless and its quite high up so you wojuldn't notice if not looking.
Why not put an alarm on fridge door as well

TheSmallAssassin Wed 06-Jan-21 22:25:17

I've fixed mine with some Gorilla tape, and that's done the trick. I've had to do some fridge shelves too, not impressed with my Samsung fridge freezer :-/

TheSmallAssassin Wed 06-Jan-21 22:26:10

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Like this.

donewithitalltodayandxmas Wed 06-Jan-21 22:48:28

donewithitalltodayandxmas Wed 06-Jan-21 22:51:38

@TheSmallAssassin is yours a door type one or pul out full drawers ?
Thinking maybe about looking at the ones with large drawers nect time( no door ) as often you see people mentioning the plastic drawers on freezer have broke, I wouldn't mins if they were £20 to replace but at nearly £70 makes it a lot

TheSmallAssassin Thu 07-Jan-21 08:29:04

Mine's all drawers in the freezer and some supposedly full pull out drawers in the fridge which aren't really - I'm using two storage boxes instead of the veg one.

TheSmallAssassin Thu 07-Jan-21 08:30:20

But plastic drawers and a main door.

tokenbalm Thu 07-Jan-21 08:36:00

Sugru should do,the trick.

PigletJohn Thu 07-Jan-21 21:23:42

I use "hard plastic cement" which I think is a solvent dissolving the edges so they weld together as they harden. Small tube from hardware shops. I think similar is used for model aircraft building.

you have to get the break clean and dry, and position it so the parts cannot come apart until fully set overnight. Sticky tape will probably hold them. If you can pull the crack slightly apart so the glue gets in, then close it tightly, you will get best results.

Chasingsquirrels Fri 29-Jan-21 20:44:17

Just coming back to this thread to thank @AngusThermopyle, I finally got round to getting some tape having put it in my amazon basket when I read this thread.
All four fronts of my freezer drawers are cracked or broken in some way and have been for some time, and getting worse.
They are all white so I got white tape and fixed them all up last weekend.
They are so much better and it seems a pretty strong fix.
Massive improvement!

AngusThermopyle Sat 30-Jan-21 09:19:42

@Chasingsquirrels . Ah thanks. That's great to hear. I love that tape. grin

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How To Fix A Freezer Drawer


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